
Is it really monday?

Do you ever watch a movie and you love that movie so much that at the end of the bed before you fall asleep you imagine yourself in that movie, a different plot which makes it possible for you to fit in to it. The course is changes so you save the day or end up with the boy/girl. Or you just use the characters for your own version?

Or is this just me? Because I do this all the time.

Anyway, it’s monday *sadface* but don’t let that destroy your day. See mondays as a way to start over, a new week and new possibilites. My computer is acting up, I use it to write on but it does not want to cooperate today. Anyway, it’s a new week and a short one here. The heat is staying and the sun hasn’t made a disappearing act so far. 

I know that gardening is not going to be a career choice for me. I can’t count on my fingers how many time plants have died because I forgot to water them. Seriously, why do I even bother?

I hope you’ll have an amazing week, with neverending possibilites.

Love, Sara

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